Twitter is an important place for you to reach people with your site and your brand.
There are all sorts of numbers out there on how many people are on Twitter, numbers of followers, ReTweets, etc.
But don't mind the statistics. More importantly, there are a lot of people there who will be willing to follow your Twitter account, and click your links to read your blog posts.
So go and register a new account in the name of your site, if possible. If your domain name is taken, try some variation of it – the shorter the better.
But pick something you really like, because this is a name you'll be using on Twitter and a bunch of other places.
I ended up getting @xtramoneyanswer for this site, because there is a limit of 15 characters.
Get the name now. I'll wait right here.
Great, you've got your Twitter name, so now what?
I have two services I would suggest you now sign up with and link to Twitter:
- SocialOomph: lots of features, but most important are the scheduled Tweets and tracking keywords
- TwitterFeed: hook up your Twitter account and RSS feed, so new posts automatically hit Twitter
One last thing for you to do. Create a Tweet Button, so people can help you spread the word about your Tweets.
aduuhhh…lupa psword
I like it very much